06 July, 2015

Red Rocks and Seal Colony

It wasn't windy from the South, and Erik said it was a gentle walk for about 3km.  The Rocks are Red.
South Island was hazy in the distance
The urchins gathered sticks and rocks and feathers and other treasures, so we weren't walking fast.  
Looking back towards Wellington
Tighe found crabs and shells
 The outcrop of rocks include red and green siltstone, greywacke, and volcanic pillow lava.

Looking towards the carpark

The Red Rocks.  I thought the seals would be here, but they were much further away, at the next outcrop of rocks, past the "Devil's Gate".  More walking, and my legs were tired.  I found it difficult walking on the soft scoria and sand.

The urchins found this amazing bush growing on the track side. All of them crawled under it. The wind had "folded" the branches over the terrain, making a maze of tunnels. It was difficult to get the children to climb out of it, as they just wanted to play more.

 The 4wd vehicles drive through "Devil's Gate" to get to the seal colony.  It is a steep climb on both sides of the "gate".
"Devil's Gate" and the South Island, Kaikoura in the background
Tighe climbing another rock
The smell of Seals is strong, and they were very close to the walkway.  There were about 30 seals on this side of the Devil's Gate and over 160 seals on the other side.

 The seals reminded me of cats.  Lying in the sun, and lots of whiskers.
It took us about 3/4 of an hour to walk back to the car park.

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