08 July, 2015


Snow on the hills around Wellington
I get a little excited about the white stuff.  We don't see it very often in Rotorua.  We were all hoping to see some on our trip to Wellington, it was cold enough! On the long drive back to Rotorua, there was anticipation before Taihape, as snow was on the surrounding hills, then coming into Waiouru, SNOW!!!
 The urchins got a chance to play in the snow before it got too dark.  They got cold enough quickly, and were glad of the blankets in the car, once we were on the road again.
Oscar pretending he is warm
Snow around Erik's shoes
Boys and snow

 The snow was soft, and wonderful, and perfect for throwing at small boys.

 I thought the snow in the trees were beautiful, something exotic and special.
 Tighe was surprised how quickly his feet and hands got cold while playing in the snow.
 Watch out Mum, I will get you!
 I liked how the snow rested on top of the fence posts.
 Just like a Christmas card from the Northern Hemisphere.

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