31 October, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

Halloween was on a Saturday, which meant the urchins could stay up late, and go trick and treating later in the evening.

Quinn helped sort the M&Ms for making the creepy crawlies.  Why are there always more orange ones than yellow ones, and who has OCD?
Oscar's favourites were the eyeballs, so we had to make a few of those.
We had made "worms" a few years ago.  This time we allowed 2 hours in the afternoon, to squeeze them out of their molds.  Delicious!

Tighe likes the bones, so these were on the menu as well.
My favourite are the ghosts, yummy, yummy, yummy!

Even the spiders got into the spirit of Halloween.
 Vampire wee, and frozen hand were the refreshments.
 The head in the jar scared all the urchins who needed tomato sauce with their severed fingers.

Oscar enjoying a severed finger.

 The menu for the evening was simple.  Creepy crawlies, severed fingers and sausage rolls.  The main was elbows in blood (pasta and sauce).  Dessert was everyone's favourite:
Potty Poo, Worms, Bones, Ghosts, Eyeballs, and Dirt dessert.
Po, Tane, Andrew, Patrick, Kahu, Oscar, Quinn, Anneke, Nicole, Cameron, Christian, Kauri, and Adam were all ready to go trick and treating.

Quinn ordered cinnamon flavoured candies from the USA.  The chilli cinnamon jellybabies caused a little confusion, as his guests expected them to taste like raspberry!

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