21 February, 2016

The Adventure begins... Tour Aotearoa 2016

I'm in Auckland now with Greg, staying at an Auckland Airport hotel.  Anneke, Oscar and Ruth have returned to Rotorua, and I'm missing them already. Fortunately Ruth is phoning in later tonight.

I've got a new phone, and have been busy setting everything up, copying GPS files and maps, etc. I was going to use Greg's Garmin Edge 1000 but I discovered that it's too big to fit on the mounting bracket on my bike, so suddenly I didn't have a GPS unit to use. Fortunately, we can swap units: I'll use Greg's Edge 500, while Greg uses the 1000.  So after setting up one GPS unit, I have to do it all again. Oh well...I've got to fill the time with something.

It's weird being here with only our cycling gear, and the bikes downstairs in boxes, but that's just part of it. We'll be up at 5 tomorrow to get to the bus which will take us to Cape Reinga. Time for bed soon...

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