06 March, 2016

A picture says a thousand words - Tour Aotearoa

Sunday 6 March
Another day, another Island, off to the Mainland.
The plan was to ride to Nelson via Queen Charlotte Sound.
So near, and yet so far away -- there was an emergency tracker on my bike, but with a badly broken wrist I couldn't get to it to set off the alarm.
Bad news. Fell down a bank in the Marlborough Sounds and broke my wrist. Got a nice ride in (and under) a helicopter, but no more riding for me....
Where it all happened -- the Pathway Link track leading into Havelock
Rescue on the way.
Being airlifted out of the bush.
The rescue people were absolutely awesome.
Inside the helicopter.
Ten broken bones.
In Nelson hospital, after the doctor had reset my broken wrist.

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