25 February, 2017

Imago Mundi - New Zealand: Kiwi Consciousness

I am excited to be part of this Luciano Benetton Collection 

An unprecedented visual story illuminated by a passionate creative autonomy that speaks of pride, courage and moral clarity. A multi-faceted portrait of a land at the end of the world, with a unique and original identity derived from the interplay of cultures and ethnicities. This new Imago Mundi collection brings together 210 works that reflect all the extraordinary vitality of a nation that constantly reinvents itself and guarantees its artists the opportunity to navigate in accordance with a personal compass rather than follow the increasingly virtual and impersonal methods of consumerist art.


22 February, 2017

Garden Harvest

 This year we tried growing different types of tomatoes.  Indigo Rose, Tigerilla, Fruit Punch, Yellow Pear.
 The urchins were a bit hesitant eating a black tomato, they were full of flavour.  Will grow again.
 There is a mutant orange marrow growing, it's the size of a waterpolo ball.
 Tigerilla ripens in Rotorua, and have great flavours.  My favourite. Will grow again.
 Lots of different cherry sized tomatoes to choose from. Tighe likes the yellow pear ones.

19 February, 2017

Ride the Runway 2017

The rain came, and there was water everywhere. The event got postponed to the next day.
 Oscar and I got there early, and I managed to get number 53, the same number for three year!
The boring bit. Waiting for everyone else. At least the sun was shining.
To make things interesting, and to pass the time waiting, there was a "Slow Bike Race". Oscar did really well,  and was the fourth to last to cross the line.  The winner is the last one across the line.
 Finally, the runway was clear of aeroplanes, so the cyclists could Ride the Runway.
Yes, it is a Pennyfarthing
 Lots of different bikes, and many cyclists dressed up, including Wallace...
 Oscar found the headwind quite difficult, but really enjoyed the tailwind.

 The rain didn't dampen the fun, and there were unusual forms of wheels about.

I managed to be one of the last on the Runway, just me and my bike.  It was Awesome!

17 February, 2017

Anneke's a Teenager!

The urchin is growing up, and now a teenager.  Anneke, Emily and Nicole went to Auckland for the day to celebrate.
 They went Ice Skating!

Later that afternoon, the rest of Anneke's friends turned up.
 Emily, Hannah, Ethan, Maisey, Ethan, Anneke, Dana, Rosa, Nicole, Mia
 The rest of the birthday celebrations involved eating lots of junkfood, playing xbox and playstation all night. They only broke one couch.

I think they might have watched a movie or too.  It was an "awake over", not a sleep over.

 Garlic bread and pizza.  Anneke's favourite meal.

14 February, 2017

Flip the Iceberg

Tighe likes to play Club Penguin.  Gina used to play it, Quinn used to play it.  Today he flipped the Iceberg!  Awesome!
Dinopig is his user name.

12 February, 2017

Pool at the Lake

 The urchins decided to take the pool to the lake. They deflated the pool, and once at Lake Okereka, pumped it up again.
 Tighe's friend, Christain came along too, as well as Damiana.
 I was surprised that the pool would float, and they had a great time in the water.
 The boogie board was great for towing the pool, and the urchins tried to drown the pool many times.
 There was a little body of water in a large body of water.
 Quinn thought it a good idea to put the pool at the edge of the lake, fill it with some water.  He hoped the Sun would warm the water.
 It was a little tricky to manoeuvre the heavy pool onto the sand.
 Oscar and Erik arrived, they had biked out through the forest, and were looking forward to a swim in the Lake.

 The urchins turned the pool upside down, and would "star fish" with their legs inside the air pocket.
Damiana Day took the photos.

04 February, 2017

Quinn's new room

It's the school holidays, and Quinn wants to change rooms, to the spare room upstairs.
Before he moves in, he is going to paint it.  We are starting with white ceilings, and Quinn will make his choice of colours along the way. The room is dark, because of the brown wood panelled ceiling, so it will be interesting to see what becomes of the room, once this is white.
 Unfortunately, I reacted to the paint sealer, and had to take a day off, to recover.  The fumes affected Erik as well.
 We decided on 2 hours maximum painting a day.  That way our bodies could cope with the paint fumes.
 Quinn really enjoyed being on top of the ladder, doing as much painting as he could reach.
With each coat of paint, we got more and more excited. The room looked so different, and so much lighter and brighter.
 Quinn decided on a blue theme. The walls would be Hellium Blue, the window sills; George St.

Nearly finished. Just need to put the furnishings in, add some red, and it will be all done.