12 February, 2017

Pool at the Lake

 The urchins decided to take the pool to the lake. They deflated the pool, and once at Lake Okereka, pumped it up again.
 Tighe's friend, Christain came along too, as well as Damiana.
 I was surprised that the pool would float, and they had a great time in the water.
 The boogie board was great for towing the pool, and the urchins tried to drown the pool many times.
 There was a little body of water in a large body of water.
 Quinn thought it a good idea to put the pool at the edge of the lake, fill it with some water.  He hoped the Sun would warm the water.
 It was a little tricky to manoeuvre the heavy pool onto the sand.
 Oscar and Erik arrived, they had biked out through the forest, and were looking forward to a swim in the Lake.

 The urchins turned the pool upside down, and would "star fish" with their legs inside the air pocket.
Damiana Day took the photos.

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