19 February, 2017

Ride the Runway 2017

The rain came, and there was water everywhere. The event got postponed to the next day.
 Oscar and I got there early, and I managed to get number 53, the same number for three year!
The boring bit. Waiting for everyone else. At least the sun was shining.
To make things interesting, and to pass the time waiting, there was a "Slow Bike Race". Oscar did really well,  and was the fourth to last to cross the line.  The winner is the last one across the line.
 Finally, the runway was clear of aeroplanes, so the cyclists could Ride the Runway.
Yes, it is a Pennyfarthing
 Lots of different bikes, and many cyclists dressed up, including Wallace...
 Oscar found the headwind quite difficult, but really enjoyed the tailwind.

 The rain didn't dampen the fun, and there were unusual forms of wheels about.

I managed to be one of the last on the Runway, just me and my bike.  It was Awesome!

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