04 February, 2017

Quinn's new room

It's the school holidays, and Quinn wants to change rooms, to the spare room upstairs.
Before he moves in, he is going to paint it.  We are starting with white ceilings, and Quinn will make his choice of colours along the way. The room is dark, because of the brown wood panelled ceiling, so it will be interesting to see what becomes of the room, once this is white.
 Unfortunately, I reacted to the paint sealer, and had to take a day off, to recover.  The fumes affected Erik as well.
 We decided on 2 hours maximum painting a day.  That way our bodies could cope with the paint fumes.
 Quinn really enjoyed being on top of the ladder, doing as much painting as he could reach.
With each coat of paint, we got more and more excited. The room looked so different, and so much lighter and brighter.
 Quinn decided on a blue theme. The walls would be Hellium Blue, the window sills; George St.

Nearly finished. Just need to put the furnishings in, add some red, and it will be all done.

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