10 December, 2017

Chocolate Salad

Summer and BBQs, Christmas parties. "Bring a salad". This is perfect.

What you need:

2 boxes of favourites, or approx 600gm mixed chocolate mini bars
1 bag of your own favourite mini chocolate bar
300mls Fresh cream
3 tsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Chocolate (for garnish)
1 bag chocolate fish (for garnish) and the salad.
Decide how many chocolate bars you need, by putting them in your serving bowl.
Remove all the wrappers, and put the naked chocolate bars on the chopping board.
Put aside about 16 chocolate fish for the garnish.
Cut the chocolate into bite sized pieces, and put in serving bowl. The bowl should be about 3/4 full.  If in doubt, add more chocolate, but remember to leave room for the whipped cream!
In a separate bowl, pour in the fresh cream, 3 tsp icing sugar, and the vanilla.
Whip the cream until thick.
Tip the cut up chocolate into the whipped cream, and mix everything together.
 Put the cream / chocolate mixture into the serving bowl, and level the top.
 Garnish with a ring or two of chocolate fish.
Garnish with grated chocolate.
Cover, and refridgerate until serving time.

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