21 April, 2020

Dessert Dinner

 Enjoying the red kiwifruit. I prefer them over the gold kiwifruit. The green kiwifruit is still nice though. The urchins decided the dinner theme tonight is "Dessert".
Chocolate mousse with chocolate fish

Waffles - with chocolate sauce, and caramel sauce and whipped cream
Pancakes with lemon, and maple syrup
My waffle, with fruit salad and cream
Feijoa Ice-cream
Feijoa Ice-cream Recipe
4 eggs
1 cup Caster Sugar
300 ml Cream
2 Cups Feijoa Pulp - mashed
Separate the eggs.
Whisk egg whites until Stiff
Gradually add the sugar, keep beating until stiff and glossy (just like making meringues).
Beat in the yolks
Whip the cream until thick
Fold into the egg mixture with the feijoa pulp.
Spoon into an plastic container and freeze. Put a layer of baking paper on the top to stop any ice particles forming.

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