11 April, 2020

Lockdown thoughts

Stop. Listen. Papatūānuku… the earth mother is breathing. Our maunga... our mountains… standing strong. Our moana… our ocean now louder than ever. Our tui and our kereru.. now need not fight with the daily hum of our busy lifestyles. Our peoples waiata normally loud and joyful.. now soft and distant…waiting for the right time to rise again Our land renewing. Replenishing. Ready for your return. And our kai. Our food. Preparing to nourish. Enjoy time with your whanau. Your families. Your loved ones… and soon we’ll unite again. Noho Tawhiti, Tū Kotahi. Sit at a distance… stand as one. We, our land, our waters, our people…we aren’t going anywhere. Dream.. plan… And when the time is right, we welcome you… but for now, listen. Papatūānuku is breathing.
(Source " Visit Auckland")

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