20 March, 2022

Beaches - Southland - New Zealand

Exploring Southern Southland today. Visiting Riverton / Aparima, Waihoaka and McCracken's Rest.

Recommend visiting the Te Hikoi Museum in Riverton.  Great way to learn the history of the area.  Even learnt how to build a small boat with seal skins and branches.   
Visited Mores Scenic Reserve at Riverton/ Aparima. Looking across the bay towards Invercargill. So much kelp around the rocks.
There was a short walk up a hill, and the views South towards Solander Island were amazing.
Next stop was Waihoaki Beach, also known as Gemstone Bay.  Full of colourful rocks, that have been smoothed by the ocean.
Jasper, quartz, chalcedony, and other gemstones all piled on the shore.
I managed to get my shoes wet, and I picked up a few pebbles as well.

The trees indicate how strong the wind gets here. After a late lunch of a Southern cheese roll, we stopped at McCracken's Rest.  A lookout at Te Waewae bay.   The road goes inland from here, so this was the last stop before returning to Invercargill.

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