10 March, 2022

Russia invades Ukraine

The neighbour has the Ukrainian national flower growing by their fence. I keep thinking about the Ukrainian Babushka who offered the Russian soldier sunflower seeds. "Take these seeds and put them in your pockets, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here".

A Ukrainian woman’s insult to a Russian soldier about “sunflower seeds” is quickly becoming a symbol of Ukraine’s resolve in the face of a Russian invasion. An angry Ukrainian woman tells a Russian soldier he should carry a handful of sunflower seeds with him.

“Put them in your pockets,” she says, “so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here.” She then urges other soldiers standing behind the man to do the same. "Guys, guys. Put the sunflower seeds in your pockets, please. You will lie down here with the seeds. You came to my land. Do you understand? You are occupiers. You are enemies. And from this moment, you are cursed. I’m telling you". The soldier says, "Now listen to me..." She responds with "I've heard you". The soldier reply "Let’s not escalate the situation. Please go this way". She tells them how it is! "How can it be further escalated? You fucking came here uninvited. Pieces of shit!".

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