15 May, 2022

Bread - Koru shape

Experimenting with different bread making techniques.  This time is twisting the strips instead of braiding.
After rolling out the dough into a large rectangle, I spread the butter and spiced filling over half and then rolled it, leaving the rest to shape.
After cutting the strips, I pulled them a little, and then twisted two strips together.  I repeated this along the  unfilled section of dough.
Then I rolled the filled part of the dough over the twisted strips.  Maybe I should have spread some egg white or butter or oil to help them stick .  
Then I rolled the filled and twisted log into a loose koru shape / spiral, and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour.
Baked at 180 degrees for approx 20 minutes, and then lemon glazed spread on top of the bread.

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