29 May, 2022

Scarf making - sewn not knitted


Press & Seal  plastic wrap (not clingfilm)

Wool in assorted textures and values.


Tape Measure



Roll out 2m of the Press & Seal on a solid working surface, I use the kitchen bench.

Working from the centre, lay the wool onto the press & seal.  I push the wool down so it sticks.

Cover the width of the press & seal in the wool.  
Carefully roll the next layer of Press&Seal over the wool. Don't panic if there are some creases.
Press down, and then measure 20cms from one end, and rule a line.  Do the same at the other end.
Then Measure 5cm from that line and mark 5cm lines all the way down the press&seal.  These are your sewing lines.  Roll up, take to sewing machine and sew along the drawn lines. 

If the needle starts to "gunk up", put the press&seal scarf in the freezer for about 1 hour.  Also, nail varnish remover removes the gunk of the needle.

Once it is all sewn, rip off the press&seal, and voila, you have a sewn scarf.

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