22 October, 2022

Hooker Valley Aoraki Mt Cook


The Hooker Valley walk is 10km return, and takes about 3 hours.  The early morning start had frost in the valley, and I forgot my beanie, so I had cold ears. My gloves kept my hands warm.

The Mueller glacier is hidden behind the Sealy range.  
Looking down the valley, with the Mueller lake in the foreground. The glaciers carved this valley thousands of years ago. Sebastopol Peak has it's front cut off, just like Yosemite in the USA.
Frosty fingers on the valley plants.

Mt Sefton in the background.  We saw an avalanche a few minutes later come down the left side of Mt Sefton and crash over into the Mueller Lake.

The second swing bridge over the Hooker river.
Looking up the Hooker Valley to Aoraki Mt Cook.
Aoraki Mt Cook with no clouds to pierce today.
It's an easy gentle walk up the Hooker Valley. Being so early in the morning, there are not many other hikers about.
We stopped and watch the sun come over the Kirikirikatata ranges.
With the sun in the valley, it warmed up fast, and my ears thawed out.
At the third swing bridge looking back towards Mt Olivier, and the Mueller Glacier.
Nearly there, just one small hill to climb.
Hooker Lake, Hooker glacier, and Aoraki Mt Cook.
The sun shines on Aoraki's peak.
This duck was looking for food. Fattest wild duck I have seen. I guess most walkers give him some food.

So many icebergs. We spent a while exploring the Hooker Lake edge, and watching the icebergs.
Hooker glacier in background with ice bergs.
Hooker glacier in background with reflected icebergs.
Lake reflections and icebergs.
Iceberg reflections on Hooker Lake.
Hooker Glacier.

On our return, we stopped at the Stream shelter for a bite to eat, and to listen to the cracks, groans, and crashes of the glaciers and avalanches.  We spent about 5 hours walking the trail and explore the lakes.
We still had time to drive back to Geraldine before it got dark.

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