13 November, 2011

Hail Storm in November - Freaky weather

This afternoon, just after 4.30pm a hailstorm struck.  The hail fell for 90 minutes, destroying the vegetable garden, blocking gutters, and creating mayhem on the roads in the area.
Hail filling gutter and orange marrow garden
The same window 20 minutes later
Looking down into the driveway
The orange marrows with their plant houses
There is still more hail to come
Looking down the driveway

The hail stone tablecloth

 With all the hail, the gutters overflowed, and the water wicked back into the house, causing leaks.
Pots and towels containing the drips

Initially Quinn and Tighe started to clean up the hail that bounced into the courtyard, but it was a losing battle against the hail.

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