06 November, 2011

No dig garden

As I am allergic to work, the no dig garden is perfect for me.  Put some cardboard down, spread the compost out on top.  Plant the seeds, put down mulch.  Perfect.  No digging and more importantly, no weeding!
The orange marrows need to go in.  I planted 24 last year, and Erik was concerned at the time,  that it wasn't enough, so this year, we are putting in a larger run of them.  If the slugs and snails don't get them, perhaps we will get 50 plants.  Ran out of plant houses, so need to go to the recycling centre and get some plastic bottles.
Plant houses and mulch down
Picked up a Tamarillo, tomatoes, aubergines, spring onions and rock melons from the garden center.  We just need to work out where to plant them now.

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