01 January, 2012

San Francisco Day 7 - Saturday - New year's Eve

Cold today, need a beanie, gloves, scarf and jacket.
Walking the Heather cut off today. 

The Heather is pink, and gorgeous on the hillside.
It is a round trip from the Barrel.  Up along the 1 Highway, then into the Mt Tam reserve.  Plenty of different plants and flowers. 

Saw 2 hummingbirds and many, many hawks.  We are not far from Hawk Hill, where 19 species, and over 3,000 have been counted in one day.  Impressive watching them catch the thermal up.
Enjoyed seeing strawberries growing wild, and a plant that smells like Lavender, but doesn't have the same type flowers.
Had to cross a creek, using percariously placed logs.

I still managed to get my feet wet. 
Facinated by all the mail boxes at the Muir Beach road intersection.

Went to the movies with Greg and Denise in the late afternoon.  Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  Gary Oldman is awesome.  Great movie.
Sol Food in San Rafael for dinner.  I had the vege stew with 2 different types of plantains. Mainly zucchini and mushroom, on rice.  Yum.  Erik had chicken with rice and beans, and plantains.   Very Cuban, and tried a coconut juice type drink.  Very rich.
Dessert at the Pelican Inn at Muir Beach.  English type pub, so it was "apple crisp" with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  It was a cinnaman apple crumble, with a little bit of apple.
Happy New Year's eve.

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