08 January, 2012

San Francisco Day 12 - Last Day

Erik went for a ride before I had even woken up.  Playing Tourist today, visiting Muir Woods, a National Monument, and then heading into San Francisco to drop the car off.

Bridge made from a Redwood tree trunk

Ancient Redwoods, approx 1000 years old.  Great to see them in their natural habitat, as compared to the Redwoods in Rotorua.  It was cool in the woods, had a jacket on, and could have used my gloves.

Got to drive over the Golden Gate bridge for one more time.   Alcatraz is in the harbour.

Managed to play tourist for a while, so drove up a very steep street.  I am really good at hill starts now!

And then down Lombard street, super twisty in the car.

Where we had just been.
Up another steep street to Telegraph Hill and look at the view. 

Even got to see the Bay Bridge not hidden by fog.
Lombard St and Golden Gate Bridge
Financial Centre and Bay Bridge

Bay Bridge

Central San Francisco
Had to pick Greg up from 1 Market Street corner with Mission.  Erik and I were so intent on following the traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road, dealing with traffic lights and lanes, that we drove straight past Greg! I didn't even see him. We went around the block again, and he managed to find us!
BART to the airport, we looked hilarious carrying our huge luggage down into the station next to Powell St.  Super quick and cheap to the airport US$17 for the both of us.
Good bye USA, we had heaps of fun!

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