02 January, 2012

San Francisco Day 8 - Sunday - New Year 2012

Happy New Year 2012
Well, it seemed like New Year was yesterday, with all the Happy New Year's on Facebook, but we had to wait a lot longer until the sun got to us.
Woken up on the night by the wind noise.  In the moring, the Wind is 50 kph, and the hawks are just blown away.  2 deer just outside the door, in the back garden eating the shrubs.  Awesome.
Going to spend the day in the car.
Fred's in Sausalito for brunch, cuious, there is no wind on this side of the Bay.
The food came out on 2 plates per person.  I had 1 Swiss pancake and maple syrup, with scrambled eggs and hash brown.  Erik had 2 lemon ricotto pancakes, bacon and eggs - sunny side up.
Absolutely huge.  I couldn't eat all of mine.
Fred's cooking our pancakes

Eriks pancakes and eggs (note 2 plates)

My hash brown and eggs

 Stocked up on fruit and cereal at the supermarket, then took the road to Fairfax.
Drove through lovely villages / towns.   It was great that it was New Year's day, as there weren't too many people on the roads.
The road from Fairfax to Bolinas is picturesque.  Redwoods, larches?, and pine trees crowd around a narrow road.

Ferns and mosses live here too.  We also happened upon an Alpine lake, and meadows disappearing over the ridge line.  Spectacular.

Saw pelicans in the Bolinas estuary.

Had ice creams at Stinson.  Praline and cream for me, Chocolate Brownie and Egg Nog flavours for Erik.  Yum
Stinson Beach
Pacific Coastal Highway
Looking toward SFO

Followed the coast back to Muir beach.  Not too windy, and could see SFO at the end of the penninsula.
Erik went for a MTB ride when we got back.
Duck for dinner with Greg and Denise.

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