06 January, 2012

San Francisco Day 11 - Corte Madera and Mill Valley

Coyote Ridge 6.56 am
Coyete Ridge 7.41 am
 Another brilliant day, reminds me of late Autumn in Rotorua.  Two more deer on the front lawn this morning.  I guess they are a pest to the locals, eating their gardens and shrubs.
Need to get some gifts for the children today, still haven't found any Ice Breaker candy for Gina, and we have looked in every supermarket.
Corte Madera is another town in the Bay, and we visiting shops there.  Instead of taking the freeway, we just took a small road around the hills into Mill Valley, and happened upon a Vulture on the road!

Mill Valley is great, friendly people.   History of milling the Redwoods.

Had Turkey Chilli for lunch - Turkey mince, with beans, and a little chilli heat, plus sour cream.   Erik had Pumpkin Pancakes which I want to make with leftover pumpkin.
Pumpkin Pancakes
Turkey Chili

Also had to try some of the local ice cream - made with local organic ingredients - NOCI - delicious spearmint chocolate chip, and Erik had Hazelnut, as well as Salt and Chocolate combination.

Late enough in the afternoon for Erik to go for another hour bike ride, while I went for a walk near the beach and up the cliffs.  Great day spent with Erik.
Deer on the front lawn again

Pasta and salmon for dinner.

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