29 August, 2014

Crested Iguanas and Hibiscus

The crested Iguana is on the Fijian $5 Note.  Several live on Treasure Island. 

 The boys really enjoy picking the hibiscus flowers and feeding these to the Iguana.  The flower is put on "backwards" so it doesn't fall off the stick.

Tighe getting the flower ready for eating
 Nearby we heard the parrots.  Three flew into a nearby tree, and started screeching.
 There are a number of plants I don't know the name of, but they are beautiful.
 The children picked most of the hibiscus in the surrounding bushes.  I like the non red ones.

1 comment:

  1. they sure dont look in a good condition with all their noses rubbed off to the flesh.... You should change the way they are kept...
