31 August, 2014

Shark, Seaweed, and Sushi

Quinn spends most of his waking time in the hammock at our end of the island.

Another wonderful breakfast of Pawpaw and poached eggs.  Reminds me of my first breakfast on Zanzibar.  The Jays tried to steal my pawpaw.  Tighe really enjoys the Danish pastries for breakfast, and Quinn has had an omelette every morning.
Took the glass bottom boat for Tighe to view the coral.  It was different seeing the coral from higher above instead of floating next to it, and closely over it.
Parrot fish next to boat
Tighe managed to scrape his foot last night, and it stings in the pool, but not in the sea, so we spent most of the day in, and around the water. 
Another sea star
Blue Damsel
 Swimming with sharks has been on my bucket list. Today while out on the reef I watched a huge tuna swim by.  My heart beat a lot faster when I noticed the shark following.  A white tip reef shark, fortunately it was more interested in the tuna, instead of me!  It took a while for my heart beat to return to normal.
White tip reef shark approx 2m long
 After 1ish, the sun burned, so we hid in the bure reading and doing schoolwork.Later, after our afternoon swim, we decided to walk around the Island.  We stopped often to pick up shells, rocks and other treasures. Another parrot joined us.
The Sand bar, nobody on it today
 The seaweed is purple and green.  Once on shore, the sun bleaches it creamy white.
 We found crabs and hermit crabs, and watched the Sun, sink into the sea.  It took about 36 minutes to wander around the Island. 
The ferry on the way to the mainland
 The boys and I tried Teppanyaki for dinner.  A Japanese meal cooked in front of us. 
Quinn and Tighe tried everything. Tighe really enjoyed watching the egg being sliced for the fried rice. The Miso soup tasted like vegemite and seaweed. The cucumber salad was refreshing.  The sushi and sashimi was all eaten up.  The prawns were approved by Quinn, but didn’t appeal to Tighe.  All the egg fried rice got eaten, and the seared chicken and Tuna was yummy too.  The boys took their time deliberating over dessert.  I had the coconut steamed pudding, Quinn had ice cream and Tighe had chocolate mousse.
Sushi and Sashimi
Cooking the prawns
Stir fry vegies
Rice and vegies
egg stir fried vegies and rice
More vegies
Chicken for the boys
Tuna for me
Coconut steamed pudding
Chocolate Mousse

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