29 August, 2014

Getting wet in the warm waters

View from our little house (Bure) Malolo Island in background
Woken by a cacophony of unusual bird noises.  It sounded like a Starwars Light Sabre fight.  The Banded Rails, Black Jays, and the Parrots let us know the sun was coming up. Breakfast was cooked for me.  Poached eggs on hash browns, and then pancakes with butter and honey to follow.   Quinn had an omelette.  Tighe wasn’t hungry, so he went swimming in the pool next to where we ate.  He had a croissant, muffin, nutrigrain, and pancakes.  I wonder what he will eat when he IS hungry.
 Snorkelling the reef was relaxing, and we spent most of the day there, until the tide was too low.  Lots of different fish, and others we had swum with before..., Trigger fish, butterfly, wrasse, tuna, parrot, trumpet, barracuda and damsel.  

Lots of yellow, neon green, florescent blue, pinks and purples.  I spied a small grey boxfish with neon green polka dots.  A blue sea star and squirrel fish were very close to shore
 Both boys wanted to swim to the pontoon.  I put Tighe in the ring, so that he could rest without treading water.  We made it, and spent time on top, it‘s a trampoline, and then you can bounce into the water.  Fun! 
 I ventured out to the reef edge. Fantastic coloured coral, all different shapes and sizes.  I swam with a school of florescent blue fish, and turquoise damsels.  It was magical
Parrot fish with Damsels
 I found a clam shell, and Tighe a coconut seed.  Tighe has been picking up lots of different shells, rocks and treasures.  We also saw parrots, black Jays, and a large black and white bird, perhaps a Teal.
Looking west towards Beachcomber Island
 Spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool. Tighe made friends with Alexandro from Italy, and I caught up on a novel. 
The boys fed the crested iguana the hibiscus. The flowers are placed backwards on a stick and presented to the lizard.  They snap them up.  They are close by the turtles.
I got to touch a turtle today.  The shell is hard and the fins soft.  We spent a while just watching the turtles, and picking flowers for the iguanas.
Quinn challenged Tighe and I to mini golf.  Surprisingly I was great at it.  I managed lots of 2s and 3s, and won!  There will be a re-match soon.  The sugar cane tasted like corn today.  Picked for a day, the sweetness  wasn’t as pronounced, but the boys still keep asking to suck on it.  I managed to cut my thumb peeling the skin with the pocket knife.
My adventure today was food.  Scallops with a balsamic sauce.  The flavours were okay.  Seared tuna with a spicy salsa.  This was yum.  I took my time and really enjoyed the taste.  Black forest gateau with ice cream for dessert.Quinn had a tomato and pineapple pizza, and he declared it ok.  Tighe wasn’t hungry, so I got him a small bowl of pommes frites, and icecream for dessert.  While he was eating them, he also wanted a burger.  Perhaps the young man is hungry after all.

We spotted more geckos on our way to bed, and discovered a gecko living in our “little house” or bure.  When he saw us, it turned around within a blink of an eye, incredible speed.  It lives behind the kitchen unit.

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