22 November, 2014

Getting the vegies growing...

The orange marrows are up. 2 yesterday, and 10 today. We planted 50, so I hope more will come up this week, now that the weather is warmer.
Last week I cleaned out the jungle next to the dining room, and this week planted Purple King beans, and some peas.  Oscar also got to plant his red scarlett bean.

Erik picked up some heirloom tomatoes while he was in Tauranga.  The weather has been unseasonally cold, so we have kept them in the courtyard for the past 2 weeks, until the weather warms up a bit.  Today, I planted them out by the lemon tree, and it will be interesting to see the different colours of tomatoes once the fruit appears.

Black Tula
Yellow Pear
Purple Russian
Brandy wine
Mortgage Lifter

They will all grow tall, so I have put stakes in to support them.  The weather is still a little cold, so I have put plant houses around them for tonight.

I need to plant the parsley around the tomatoes.  I thought I might grow some apple cucumbers in the same area. 

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