29 November, 2014

NZ Thanksgiving with Kelly, Nic, Lucy and Emmett

Candy Corns for Kelly!
 Kelly coundn't make it to the USA for Thanksgiving, so she invited her NZ family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with her.  It was a fantastic evening of fabulous food!
Cranberries for the sauce.
The girls carving the Turkey
The Thankfull tree
We all were given Pine notes, to write on what we were thankful for.  We took them home and hung them on our Christmas tree.
The Pine Notes to write on
 The children enjoyed the outdoors, especially Oscar and Carenza
The cows wandered by
The boys did electronic stuff
Ash and Dani working on Lucy's jigsaw
The food

 Kelly passed the recipes around, so everyone made a dish.  There was chicken, kumera, salads, turkey, fresh broiche, turkey, cauliflower, and the stuffing.  We were all thankful for so much food.
Queuing for the food
The most unusual dish for the NZ palate was sweet potato and marshmellows. I want the recipe Kelly, it was yum, yum, yum.
 Kelly's new art work at the front entrance.
Mama and daughter moment
Mama and Son moment
Taking turns on the electronic devices.
 There was so much food, we had to go back for seconds, and thirds...
 Pudding time!  Red velvet cake, pumpkin pie and turkey cake.
 The pumpkin pies were gorgeous. These were unfamilar to the kiwi palate. 
 The Turkey cake.  Chocolate cake stuffed with Candy corn.
I raided the vege garden for Rosemary and Sage, plus some Nasturtium to make the turkey look a bit more authentic.

Ash won, nobody believed it, not even Ash!
Oma and Lucy
 At the end of the evening, Kelly put on Christmas songs.  It felt weird, Christmas songs in November, but we understood her traditions.
 And the Christmas tree gets put up with all the family.  What a great tradition. 
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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