02 January, 2015

Colour in the garden

It's the beginning of the year.  I wandered around the garden to see what colours were around in the flowers and fruit.  The one of the cosmos by the fishpond is a "double".
 I love the subtleness of the pinks and purples contrasting with the yellow.
 I don't know the name of this flower, but the red is so vivid.  There is also a yellow one in the garden as well.
 The feijoas are in bloom, looking forward to late Autumn when we can enjoy nature's bounty.
 Frank, the new kitten, has been helping me in the garden.  At least he hasn't dug up too many seedlings.
 The raspberries are delicious for breakfast,  I am picking a handfull a day.  Yum, Yum!
 The pear tree has 10 fruit this year.  Last year there were 2. Exciting, can't wait until they ripen.
 I think this is either the tangelo or lemon, plenty of blossoms on the bush.
Candytuffs.  They are such a sweet little flower.  I have grown them along the path to Erik's office.

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