05 January, 2015

Hedgehog, kids, kittens, and cream

A much improved and healthier hedgie
Recently a sick hedgehog was wandering around the lawn in the daytime, so we rescued the wee one.  Over the next few days he had the treatment - Advocate for the mites and other worms that maybe attached.  Warm canola Oil baths to provide relief from the mites, and to kill the mites.  Tweezers to remove the maggots.  Fresh Polar fleece everyday to keep warm. We knew when he was ready to be released, the hedgie started to dig a way out of the cardboard box, and had an appetite for Jellymeat.  There was a sparkle in this hedgies eye.
We all gathered round to wish the Hedgie good luck.  The food got eaten, and the hedgie wandered off.  The next night at the same time, he turned up again looking for jellymeat! We see the hedgie every evening now, wandering around the back yard.
Sunshine is not happy about another interloper in the back yard.  The kittens are enough for her.
Elvis and the Cabbage trees
Elvis in tree, Frank on ground
Currently the kittens, Frank and Elvis, are enjoying the two Cabbage trees in the yard.
Frank prefers being upside down
Blue eyed Elvis
Frank climbing down backwards
Elvis and upside down Frank
The kittens provided lots of entertainment for the urchins, until they got distracted by the trampoline.
While all the humans were distracted, Frank and Elvis, made it into the kitchen and found the bowl of whipped cream, that was for dessert with the raspberries.

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