01 December, 2015

Advent Calender 2015

 Merry Christmas everyone.  Now that the urchins are a getting older, the Advent Activities have changed.
 The urchins offered suggestions, and this is what we are doing for December 2015.

Clean Out your toy boxes and donate to Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity
Family Movie Night
Make home made caramel corn
Make Origami ornaments for the Christmas tree
Put up and decorate the Christmas tree
Make a wreath together
Go out for ice cream, and have “fancy dress” for dinner
Make Christmas food
Let everyone choose a country and then use the internet to see how they celebrate Christmas.
Only use Christmas mugs for all of your drinks for the entire day
Go to Carols by Candlelight and watch Oscar play the ukulele.
Put up the outside Christmas lights
Have a picnic at the  Tree Trust
Smile at every person you pass today.
Be nice to family members today.
Make biscuit dough and just eat it.
Make some Christmas food
After dark, spread out some blankets out the back, and do some star gazing.
Have breakfast for dinner.
Wear PJs all day.  Eat Junk Food all day.
Watch a movie at Midnight
Celebrate the Longest Day – Summer Solstice
Go for a moon walk in your PJs.
Have a fondue night with Summer Fruit and chocolate

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