13 December, 2015

Family Christmas at Te Rore

Veronica Mary Maureen McMonagle
Christmas is getting closer, so the McMonagle clan got togethe at Te Rore Hall for a feed and chat.
Carl and Andrea were the only ones not attending.

Margaret, married to Ben
Maureen, and niece Kelly
 Lots of cousins to catch up with each other.
Kirsten and her companion Joe
Lucy,  daughter of Nicolaas
Jason, and Kelly (wife of Nicolaas)

Christine, Diane, and Karen Krippner
 We were privileged that the Krippners played music for Mama, she really enjoyed hearing the sounds.
Bridget, neice Tiffany, Leon

The cuzzie bros all having a yarn.
Mama listening to the music.
Caroline, Alan, Frank and Phylis
Emmett, son of Nicolaas and Kelly
Alice and Geneieve
The newest Mcmonagle was there. Grace, wife of my nephew Jason
Clare, Grace, and Tony

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