28 December, 2015

Exploring Auckland

View of Auckland City from Mt Victoria
Today Erik was riding with Nicki Squire, part of the Tour Aotearoa route from Parakai to Ardmore.  Another day for us, of about 6 hours of in-betweens, so we explored Auckland.
The jetty and landing for the ferry is quite far up the Kaipara river.
 There were a few sea gulls about.  They are much bigger than the gulls around our lakes.
Not much traffic from Hellensville to Albany.  We stayed off the highway, and enjoyed the country roads.  Lots of flax, and berries grow in this area.  There was a mall in Albany, which I knew would occupy a few hours, so the urchins could spend their Christmas money.  Anneke spent all of hers, Oscar was a lot more discerning.
 Throughout Auckland there was plenty of Pohutukawa in flower. 

Devonport for lunch.  Plenty of shade, and a playground.  Once the urchins got tired of the swings, we drove up Mt Victoria.  Anneke thought it weird that both Auckland and Wellington had a Mt Victoria.  I guess she was the Queen at the time of naming mountains?
Rangitoto Island looked magnificent
Not quite sure why the air extraction domes of the bunkers are painted as toadstools, cute though.
Plenty for the urchins to explore on top of Mt Victoria.  Relics left over from World War 2, and of course the city skyline.
There appeared to be many houses wrapped in plastic.  These buildings were being built or renovated.  Perhaps it is to stop the wind,  or prevent debris falling off the site.
Anneke wanted to know what Auckland ciy was like...so over the harbour bridge we went, and drove around the city centre, so Anneke and Oscar could experience the hills, the queues, the traffic, the giant billboards, all the noise, and how small the Skytower is when you are at the bottom of it.
After the concrete jungle, a quick car ride to Cornwall Park, and up "One Tree Hill".  Oscar wanted to walk up it, and Anneke didn't, so I dropped Anneke off at the top, and drove further down to a shaded park, so Oscar and I could walk up the last part.
Looking from One Tree Hill towards Mt Eden
Erik sent a text saying he was on Mt Eden, so we had to get the map out, and work out which hill it was.
Erik and Nikki's bikes at Mt Eden
The children waved, but I think Erik had left by then.  There is playground near the Observatory, so we spent the rest of the day there.  I enjoyed lying in the shade, watching the sun and the leaves.
We picked Erik up around 4pm, and drove home via Kaiaua, and had dinner at The Fez in Matamata. 

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