05 October, 2020

Kapiti Island, Bird Sanctuary, Nature Reserve (Part 1)


Kapiti Island is one of New Zealand's most significant nature reserves. The Island is home to many native species that are either very rare or absent from the New Zealand mainland.
An early morning start, and an hours drive north from Wellington to Pararaumu. We needed to be there at 8 am, for the 8.30 am boat to the island.  
The boat was towed into the ocean by this 'lifted up" tractor.  The first few minutes were rough, and we all felt a bit queasy. 
However, once the boat had turned around, and got up speed, the jutting and and pounding of the waves made a thrilling journey of the 5km boat trip. Took about 15 minutes.
Visitor numbers are limited to 100 visitors a day to the Rangatira area, about half way along the eastern shore of Kapiti Island.  We were fortunate, today it was just this boat load, so about 20 people.  
The beach is rocky and drift wood lines the shore.
Bush clematis grows down to the shore. The scent is amazing as we walked to the information shelter. The local DOC ranger gave a talk about the birds, and what we could and could not do, during our visit to the island. He also warned us about the weka and the kaka, and how they work as a team to steal our food. More on that later.
My grandfather's grandfather was a whaler, and was based on Kapiti Island during the 1840s. These tripots are remains of the whaling days.
First weka of the day, but it ignored us. I guess it knows the food only comes out later in the day.
We started with the gentle Rangatira Loop walk, and then joined the Trig Track to Tuteremoana peak.
Kaka beak flowers.
Nikau trees were at the start of the Trig Track, and soon we were in the company of a group of Tieke / Saddleback. They sound like they are laughing at you.

The Trig Track is 2 km one way, we allowed 2 hours to get to the top.  It is a challenging hike, with narrow uneven sections, and steep in places. The Trig Track should only be attempted by confident trampers with good sturdy footwear. It is an uphill track only. We came down Wilkinson track, 3.8 km (2 hours).

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