05 October, 2020

Kapiti Island Reserve (Part 2)


There are two tracks up the hill on Kapiti Island.  The DOC ranger suggested the Trig Track for the urchins. The Trig Track is 2 km one way, we allowed 2 hours to get to the top.  It is a challenging hike, with narrow uneven sections, and steep in places. The Trig Track should only be attempted by confident trampers with good sturdy footwear. It is an uphill track only. We came down Wilkinson track, 3.8 km (2 hours).

The track is steep. We stopped many times to catch our breath. Our reward was hearing the bird song, and spotting the rare birds in the trees. Kokako, Tieke, Hihi, Põpokotea, Kaka, Kārearea, as well as the Tui, Kererū, Weka, Korimako, and Pìwakawaka.
At one rest stop, a family of Kõkako chatted away in the canopy, and then flew off.
The Korimako/ Bellbird song sounded like multiple bells ringing.
The forest is lush, and the ferns undergrowth is testament to the control of pests and introduced animals.

After an hours hike up a steep trail, we stopped for a rest, and Hihi / Stitchbird kept us company. They flit about, and quarrel over nectar. The boys have colourful yellow feathers, the ladies are greyer.
The urchins were more energised after the stop, and the trail wasn't so steep. Soon we joined the Wilkinson track, a more gentle trail to the top.
The cloud came down, the mist creating a magical forest for us to walk through.

We kept our eye out for Takekē, the ranger mentioned they had been seen near the Trig.
This bird I was hoping to see, Pōkokotea / Whitehead. A small grey bird with a white head.  A group of them were about 10 minutes from the top of the trail, near the trig.
The low cloud would limit visibility at the top, but made a wonderful atmosphere walking the trails
We encountered some wekas, which surprised me, as I had always associated them with grasslands / wet lands, not native forest covered hills.
Took us 2 hours to walk to the trig on Kapiti Island.  We ate plenty of nut bars, chocolate, and biscuits.

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