03 October, 2020

School Holidays - Wellington

First trip away of the year! Popping down to Wellington to see the outdoor Van Gogh exhibition, and visit Kāpiti Island.  The volcanos looked great.
The weather wasn't too bad in Wellington, just a "slight breeze", and we sheltered from it when we could.

Later in the evening, we saw several sting rays in this inlet

Popped into Te Papa Museum, to see the giant squid (again!) The museum has revamped the natural history section. Much more informative and hands on. There were models of deep sea fish that you could touch.

As there were many people, we took the opportunity to see the Gallipoli exhibition again.  These giant sized soldiers and nurses evoke emotions.

The urchins got hungry, so a visit to the Sushi Bar,  The Catch, on 48 Courtenay Place, Te Aro. It's a few minutes walk from Te Papa.
The most difficult part is deciding what to eat, the food was fresh and flavoursome.

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