05 October, 2020

Kapiti Island Nature Reserve (Part 3)


Several wekas accompanied us as we arrived at the Trig Tuteremoana on Kapiti Island after two hours hike. It was weird having wekas at the peak on the island.
These watchful birds moved quickly on sandwiches and biscuits. All food had to be guarded, or it was snatched away.
Disappointed that the cloud had come down, and there was no view, couldn't even see the sea. I was hoping to see the South Island. 
Maybe there were 5 or 6 weka, they watched us the whole time, just waiting for their moment.

While I climbed the trig, the urchins watch over the food. The cloud came down, and the breeze picked up.
The weka are not shy or timid. 

We anticipated taking 2 hours to walk back down, so needed to leave by 1pm, to be back in time to catch the boat back to the mainland.
The Wilkinson Track was much smoother, and easy walking.  
We got a new visitor at one of our rest stops, a cheeky Kaka.  He moved in slowly, but steadily.  He had his eye on our biscuits.

Suddenly he leapt / flew onto Tighe's shoulder!

See who he is looking at, me, the one with the chocolate. Fortunately he wasn't interested in Tighe's ear.
I quickly moved to the other side, and put a table between me and large Kaka.  He leapt off Tighe and onto the table. My camera bag was lying there, so the Kaka began to bite the strap.

The  Kaka watched me eat the chocolate. I was certain it was going to swoop on me and peck the chocolate out of my hand.

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