03 September, 2014

Coconuts and Crabs

Tighe managed to get a green coconut, so Biss (the waiter) peeled the husk off, and cut the plug out, so Tighe could drink the juice.  It kinda tasted like lemonade
It's hard work, easier to make cocktails
Tighe had a go, found it tough peeling a coconut
One peeled coconut ready for drinking
Removing the plug
Perfect for the afternoon by the pool
The boys spent the rest of the day at the pool.  Spring has come to the island.  More and more plants are getting their leaves.  The parrots were noisy.
Fantastic sunset for our last night on the island.   
 I treated the boys to Mocktails for dinner.
We all got to do the "Seagull Dance", and Tighe really enjoyed the live band.
At last, what the boys had been waiting for, hermit crab racing.  
 If you whistle, the crabs move towards you, some were a lot faster than others.
There were 12 hermit crabs, and of course, we had to bid on a crab.  We secured Number 6 for $25.  The highest bid was for number 10, $60.
Number 6
Number 6 performed beyond expectations, and out of three races, came 2nd twice.
Number 6 moving over the finish circle line
Our crab, No 6
Walking back to the bure, gecko spotting, we could smell the Frangapani, the perfume is much stronger in the evening.

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