01 September, 2014

Swimming and Lova

Spring is here, and the Frangipani are budding.  I picked a few, and now the bure smells divine.
There are 6 sharks in the shallow brown area
Breakfast was interesting, we could see 2 white tip reef sharks out on the reef, hunting their breakfast.  Later that morning, while we were at the pool, we noticed another grey shape in the water.  

 While we were watching this fin, Tighe saw another large shark extremely close to shore, it buzzed the shoreline.  15 sharks were spotted, some in as little as 30 cm of water.
The crabs scramble out of the water when the sharks are around
In the afternoon, I tried to convince the boys to swim on the reef with me, but they preferred the safety of the shore.  I saw more fish I hadn’t seen before, but no more sharks. 
Just after 3pm we watched the hangi (lova in Fijian) being uncovered.  Soil, tarps, sheets, sacks, coconut leaves, then the food. It was our dinner tonight.  Lamb, chicken, sweet potato.
Bill, starting the uncovering of the Lova
Soil and tarps
Tarps and cotton sheets
Sacks and steam
Coconut leaves
Bill, steam, and coconut leaves
Sweet potato, chicken, lamb
Bottom of the lova
The boys spent the rest of the day testing who could make the biggest splash into the pool. I think Tighe achieved that goal.
Tighe trying for a bigger splash
2 boys means a bigger splash
Let's go bigger!
A visit to the wood carvers hut, and Tighe found a shark out of Kerosene Wood, and Quinn got a machete out of Ironwood.  Decided to watch the sun set from the pool.
Once the sun went down, the clouds turned a glorious pink
 Dinner was traditional Fijian food.  I tried raw fish in coconut, fern fronds, seaweed and coconut (tasted like salty vegemite cold quiche), baked fish, the food from the hangi, cooked fish in coconut milk, coconut rice, and roast pork.  The lova food was much less smokier than the Maori hangi, and I liked it.  My favourite was dessert, Vudi Vakasoso, (banana pudding), with bananas, custard, and raisins. Fijian comfort food.

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