03 September, 2014

Fish, Fish, and more Fish

A day on the water, on the boats, and fish watching.
We took a boat from Treasure over to Bounty Island.  We transferred onto another boat.  This boat transferred us onto Seaview.
Seaview and Bounty Island.  Mainland Fiji in background
Seaview with another transfer boat
Seaview is a submersible based at Bounty Island.  It looks like a submarine, but the ship is built for viewing underwater.  The walls underwater are glass, so the reef fish swim next to you.    
 The sub cruised around Bounty, and the pilot throws fish food at regular intervals. The fish come up from the reef.  It was great to see the reef, and the fish.  It took about an hour.
 It was difficult to feel which way the submersible was moving, it was very gentle, and all the different fish captivated the boys.  It was different to snorkelling, but great just the same.  There was always another fish we hadn't seen before.
Great to look out from the deck.
Bounty Island
Another boat ride back to Treasure, and then a boat transfer from that boat, to Treasure’s boat, and then onto the island.

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