02 September, 2014

Flowers, ice cream, coral and fish

Tighe went swimming before breakfast.   Quinn had an omelette, and I enjoyed poached eggs with hash browns, pawpaw and pineapple.
 Went shark and crab hunting.  Tighe spotted 2 sharks close by the shore.  The second shark was a big one.  Glad we were on the shore, and not in the water.  The crabs sit on the rocks until the shark passes.
Lots of hibiscus in flower, but the plants closest to the Iguana enclosure get their flowers picked on a regular basis.  Pink and Yellow frangipani.  The fragrance isn’t as strong in the pink flower.
Pawpaw / Papaya
Again, in the afternoon, I tried to convince the boys to swim on the reef with me.  Lots of fish, and coral, but no more sharks.
 The fish hide in the coral, there are layers of coral, with lots of nooks and crannies for the fish.
 Despite seeing them everyday, I love swimming with the tiny blue fish
 The coral was all shapes, colours and sizes.

 Finally, I managed to get a decent photo of a parrot fish.
 Walked along the eastern part of the Island.  Found more shells, and crabs.  It’s weird that there are different types of shells on the opposite sides of the island.  Purple seaweed washed up along the shore.  The sun bleaches it creamy white.
 The boys spent the day in the pool, supplementing their activities with shopping for souvenirs, and enjoying ice creams and smoothies.  It was a hot day. 
Mango Passion
After dinner, we watched the turtles swim for a while, and then wandered back to the bure.   
The gecko was in the bathroom.  Tighe wanted to catch it and take it to bed with him.

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