24 April, 2021

Milford Sound - East Side


From the Tasman Sea, the cruise into Milford Sound was smooth sailing.
Temporary waterfalls cascaded down the mountain sides.

Hineteawa / Bowen Falls is the white in the distance, not far from the Cruise terminal.
Seal mum and pup sunning themselves.
Another temporary waterfall created by the morning's rain.
Waimanu Falls / Stirling Falls is one of the permanent waterfalls in Milford Sound. The waterfall height is 151 m . The cruise boat got extremely close, and we all got wet and laughed. The water was refreshing.
Cruising away from Waimanu / Stirling Falls.
Our next stop is Harrison Cove, and the underwater observatory, where we hope to see some rare black coral.
The observatory floats, it is secured to the cliff wall by steel cables.

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