23 April, 2021

Northern Southland


Te Anau is 2 hours drive away.  After the early start of Hot Air Ballooning, a gentle two hour drive to Te Anau was the plan for the rest of the day. Last view of Queenstown before driving down the Kingston arm of Lake Wakatipu.

Rugged landscapes on both sides of Lake Wakatipu.

On the way to Te Anau we stopped at the Devil’s Staircase. This road winds between Lake Wakatipu and the Remarkable mountain range with spectacular viewsup and down the Kingston arm of the lake.

Lake Wakatipu. Looking back towards Queenstown with the Devils Staircase along the edge.
Our trusty steed parked below the cliffs on the edge of Lake Wakatipu.
The red tussock near Mossburn, in Northern Southland is spectacular. The leave billow in the breeze, and the colours shift in the sunlight. 
Plenty of sheep in Northern Southland, and the weather closed in, and it rained for the rest of the journey to Te Anau.
Looking towards Fiordland

Extremely damp view from the motel, looking over Lake Te Anau
The weather cleared later in the evening and there was snow on the hills. 
Tomorrow we go to Milford Sound.

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