19 April, 2021

Tekapo, Lake Pukaki, Aoraki / Mt Cook

 South Island Safari Day 3.  Off to Aoraki / Mt Cook village today.  Expect to explore the Tasman Glacier in the afternoon, weather permitting.

At the edge of Lake Tekapo is a tiny stone church, (and rabbits).

In pre-covid times, this tiny place would have swarms of tourists. Bus loads stop here. We were the only one there. It felt strange and wonderful at the same time.

Mt John looks similar to Mt Sunday.  A tiny hill nestled between the larger mountain ranges. 

The Southern Alps peeping through the clouds. 

The rocks were not large enough to stand on.  Aorak/Mt Cook hiding in the clouds at the other end of the lake.

The roads were deserted.  No tourists.
Aoraki piercing the clouds.  The weather seems to be clearing on the right hand side.  That's where we are planning to explore this afternoon. Tasman Glacier Lake. 

The mountains loom up from the Lake Pukaki.

This flattish area is where the Tasman glacier once was. Mt Burnett just looms in the distance.

Lake Pukaki is vivid blue.  A lake fed from several glaciers in the Southern Alps.

Looking up the Tasman valley. There is glacier at the end of this valley.  Aoraki/Mt Cook hiding in the clouds on the left. The mountain range on the right has names for the peaks like The Abbot, Monastery Peak, Nuns Veil, The Abbess, and the Acolyte.
The mountain ranges were moody with low lying cloud, and dustings of snow.
Our trusty stead in the valley, looking towards Twizel, and Lake Pukaki.
The Aoraki / Mt Cook village is underwhelming. The Hermitage is minuscule against the backdrop of the Kirikiririkatata Ranges. The weather isn't looking good for our Tasman Lake excursion in the afternoon.
Mt Sefton (3,151m) covered in blue/white ice.  The mountains are large here.

Stopped for lunch at the start of the Hooker Valley track.  There is a shelter and toilets here.  Not sure what the weather was going to do, so we could run for cover if it rained.

These ducks kept us company while we had lunch, and then stole our crackers when we were distracted by the stunning vistas.

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