20 April, 2021

Omarama Claycliffs

Late afternoon on Day 5 of the Mainland Road trip, we arrive in the outskirts of Omarama.  
A detour of about 10kms, down a few dusty gravel roads.
Omarama Clay Cliffs.   Similar to the  Putangirua Pinnacles in the wairarapa, but much more accessible.
Pay $5 at the farmers gate, and  drive down the gravel road.  Once at the carpark, the cliffs are on your right.
A path takes you alongside the cliffs for about 500 metres. 

The cliffs tower above, and birds nest in rocks.

A steep path goes through a gap of pillars.

Tight looking up. We had climbed to the top part of the trail, and were still surrounded by the cliffs.
Tighe coming down the  steep path between some pillars.
Quinn between the pillars.

The sun was beginning to set, and the cliff became quite orange.

Plenty of the blue flower with prickles.
From some angles, the cliffs just look like rocks, and then suddenly they become pillars.
Walking back to the car, the cliffs create an extraordinary backdrop.

Kinda reminded me of a castle on top of the cliff.
The trees are starting to wear their Autumn colours.

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