18 June, 2014

Fry Bread Recipes...

Found this great link for Fry bread recipes: http://www.manataka.org/page180.html#Navajo

I discovered Fry Bread at Four Corners, USA, and this recipe is Chippewa.  We make it down bush when we are camping.  Usually we have it with Golden Syrup or butter and honey.

2 1/2 cup Flour
1 1/2 Tbsp Baking powder (yes tablespoons)
1 tsp salt
3/4 C warm water
1 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp milk powder
Paper Towels
Oil for frying
Butter and syrup for topping, and friends to share with...

Combine flour, salt in a large bowl.
In separate bowl, combine water, oil and milk powder.  (can replace with 3/4 cup milk)
Stir into flour mixture.
Mix until smooth dough forms.
Turn out onto lightly floured surface, and knead into a smooth ball.
Cover and rest for at least 10 minutes.
Divide dough into equal sized balls.
Flatten with finger tips and roll out each ball to desired size.
Flour gently and store covered with plastic wrap or bag until oil is hot.
Heat oil in frying pan until smoking hot.
Cook one at time for about 60 seconds until lightly brown.
Turn carefully using tongs and cook the other side.
Drain on paper towels.
Serve with butter and syrup.

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