27 April, 2021

Ferry Back to the mainland - Rakiura / Stewart Island

Good morning Oban!

A travel day today. Taking the ferry back to the Mainland, and dropping the car off at the airport. Flying to Christchurch to see Gina, and then onwards to Rotorua.

Woke up early and took Sea Sick tablets an hour before the ferry crossing.

7.30am Check in for the Ferry crossing back to Invercargill

8.00 am Ferry Crossing . We need to wear Masks due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Watched a freight boat being loaded, while we waited for the ferry to be loaded. Everything is shipped to Oban, even firewood.

The morning is much calmer than yesterday, and the crew didn't prep the sick bags. Looks like it will be a smooth crossing.

Farewell Rakiura. Oban is the principal settlement on Stewart Island / Rakiura, the southernmost inhabited island of the New Zealand archipelago. A long way from Rotorua.
Snow on the mountain. It sure is cold. We are all wearing anoraks, gloves, and beanies.

A MUCH smoother crossing. 
Not so many passengers for this crossing. 

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