26 April, 2021

Rakiura / Stewart Island Ferry Crossing

Foveaux Strait /Te Ara a Kiwa ("the path of Kiwa") or Te Ara a Kewa ("the path of the whale") separates Stewart Island from the mainland. It's a 15 minute flight or about hour on the ferry. We couldn't get flights, so we took sea sick tablets instead, and caught the 9am crossing.
The ferry building at Bluff is small and robust. The baggage drop is easy and quick. Our bags were in container 32.
The conditions looked rough for the crossing.

We are all wearing masks, because of Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite being a catamaran, the boat rock significantly leaving Bluff.

You know it's going to be rough, when the crew are prepping the sick bags.

The luggage containers are covered in tarpaulins, and strapped to the back of the ferry.

I popped out the back for fresh air, and then decided to stand and move with the boat, hoping I wouldn't get seasick.
I found that standing at the windscreen, next to the pilot worked best for me.
I could weave and twist with the boat.  Gave me something to concentrate on, instead of the feelings in my stomach.
Sea sick tablets do work.
Once we got past Motonui island, the ocean smoothed out.

The chart showed the boat's position, and the islands.

Coming into Oban was pleasant, and the island had more houses than I imagined.

Unloading the luggage from the ferry took about 10 or so minutes.  The motel picked us up in their van.  We have a nice lookout over the villageship of Oban.  
On the advice of the motelier, we reserved a table at the hotel for dinner. There are not many dining options in the town.  Plenty of kaka flying about, perhaps we will see some kiwis tonight. The sea sick tablets have made us drowsy. Going for a walk in the bush to clear our heads.

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