16 April, 2021

Road Trip time - Off to the mainland

 With the covid-19 situation, we decided to avoid overseas travel this year, and visit the mainland of New Zealand instead.  The day got off to a bad start as the flight delayed due to engine damage by bird strike, on coming into land in Rotorua. Had to wait for a new crew to arrive from Tauranga, and an engineer to assess the damage and then repairs to be made.

Jean Batten Airport, named after Rotorua's famous aviatrix.

First time the urchins have flown Domestic. The airport was a bit smaller than what they were used to.  Took about 50 steps from check-in to reach the departure lounge.  All the gates leave from the same door.  No customs, No duty free, and the only shop there was closed.

About every hour we got an update informing us that the flight has been delayed, and we need to wait some more. The urchins played electronic games for a while.

The whole flight got meal vouchers for lunch.  The cafe had great food, and my mushroom spinach and cheese toasty was just what I needed.
More delays, not much we could do except eat jet planes while waiting for a plane.

The books came out, and the urchins caught up on some reading.

We finally departed Rotorua at 4.45pm. A long day waiting.
Always enjoying looking at the land of the long white cloud.

"Snakes on a plane!"
Manage to sort out the rental car, and find our way to Gina's place.  Went out to dinner with her.  Remembrance Bridge in central Christchurch.
Riverside market is vibrant and full of cafes, bars, and has many different eateries. Gina and Quinn had Vietnamese, and Tighe and I had dishes from Nepal. Fabulous flavours. I think I could eat here for a whole year, and not have the same thing twice. So much choice
Dessert was at Rollickin's gelato. Great names for the ice cream. I had the Yogi Bear. Oh lala! A taste sensation.
Spent the rest of the evening at Gina's place. The urchins tried out the pinball machine.

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