16 July, 2016

Butterfly Bay, Whangaroa

No driving today, just exploring the beach, the rocks, the caves, and the bay.

 Tighe ran back to the cabin to get a torch to see how deep the cave was.
 Lots of little coves, and rock arches and caves for the urchins to explore.
 At low tide, we could get to another bay, Butterfly Bay, but there weren't any butterflies.
 Amazing rock structures, and plenty of sand for the urchins to build on.

 I suspect this is petrified wood, there was a huge boulder of lava type rock, and this interesting brown rocks stuck in it.
 The boulders were huge, and the urchins HAD to climb to the top of them.
Oscar's shadow on top of a rock
Tighe on top of a rock
 These huge boulders appeared to be made up of lots of small rocks bound together by a cataclysmic event.
Tighe resting on the boulder
Anneke exploring the rockpools
 The sand layout was perfect for constructing a fort, and plenty of driftwood for "posts".

 The urchins constructed an amazing fort on the beach.

 Anneke built this amazing staircase up to the fort.

 The fort just got bigger and bigger.

Looking back to Tauranga Bay
On the way back to Tauranga Bay

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